

Protect yourself by avoiding giving out your:
  • Address and ZIP code
  • Phone number
  • Date of birth
  • Social Security number
  • Card or account number
  • Card expiration date
  • Card PIN number
  • Card Verification Value (CVV); a three-digit number located on the back of the card.
In stores and at ATMs watch for:
  • Cell phone cameras, mirrors, or other tools used to view cards and PINs
  • People watching your transactions
  • Cashiers taking your card out of sight; take it to the register yourself
  • Any unusual activity at ATMs or devices attached to the ATM 

Debit Card Fraud Protection
To protect your account, we monitor your debit card transactions for potentially fraudulent activity, which may include a sudden change in location (such as a card used unexpectedly overseas), an unusual string of costly purchases, or any pattern associated with new fraud trends around the world. We utilize eNFACT, a fraud monitoring system, to identify suspicious or potentially fraudulent transaction activity. This system detects changes in purchase activity and other patterns associated with fraudulent behavior.

If we suspect fraudulent debit card use, you will receive a telephone call from 1.866.750.9107 to validate the legitimacy of your transactions. Your participation in responding to our call is important in helping prevent potential risk and possible purchase restrictions placed on your card.
  • Our automated call will ask you to verify recent transaction activity on your card.
  • You’ll be able to respond via your touchtone keypad.
  • You’ll also be provided with a toll-free number to call should you have additional questions.
Our goal with debit card monitoring is to minimize your exposure to risk and the impact of fraud. To ensure we can continue to reach you whenever potential fraud is detected, please keep us informed of any changes to your phone number and residential address. To update your information, please visit any of our office locations, utilize secure forms within online banking, or call our Customer Service Center at 1.866.354.ECSB (3272).